


long mpiSequenceLoad(MPISequence sequence,
                     MPICommand  command,
                     MPI_BOOL    start); 
  Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


mpiSequenceLoad loads the firmware command slots of a Sequence (sequence) as necessary, starting with the Command (command).

SequenceLoad is intended to be called initially by mpiSequenceStart(...) and called thereafter by mpiEventMgrService(...) (in response to reception of an internal page fault event notification from the firmware). Except when you are debugging a sequence via mpiSequenceStep(...), your application should never need to directly call SequenceLoad.

command is MPIHandleVOID SequenceLoad loads Commands starting with the first Command of the Sequence
start is not FALSE SequenceLoad starts the sequence after the commands are loaded

Return Values

See Also

mpiSequenceStart | mpiEventMgrService | mpiSequenceStep


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