


typedef struct MPIRecorderStatus {
    MPI_BOOL  enabled;
    MPI_BOOL  full;
    long      recordCount;
    long      recordCountMax;
    MPI_BOOL  reserved;
} MPIRecorderStatus;
  Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


enabled If the recorder is enabled (recording) then enabled will equal a non-zero value (-1), otherwise enabled will equal 0.
full If the recorder is full (the number of stored records >= MPIRecorderConfig.fullCount) then full will equal TRUE, otherwise full will equal FALSE.
recordCount The number of stored records in the recorder.
recordCountMax The maximum number of records the recorder can store.

TRUE if the recorder object has been previously created by the MPI and not yet deleted.

A reserved recorder number cannot be reused until the recorder's reservation is canceled using mpiRecorderDelete(…) or the reservation is explicitly overwritten by specifying the recorder number (i.e. a number other than -1) when calling mpiRecorderCreate(...).

If no recorder handle is available to call the mpiRecorderDelete(…) method, then calling meiControlRecorderCancel(…) may be used. In this case, use meiControlRecorderStatus(…) to verify that the recorder is not in use before canceling the recorder’s reservation.

See Also

mpiRecorderStatus | mpiRecorderCreate | mpiRecorderDelete | meiControlRecorderCancel | meiControlRecorderStatus



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