


typedef struct  MEIMotorPhaseFindStatus {
MEIMotorPhaseFindState state;
MEIMotorPhaseFindDriveMsg msg; }MEIMotorPhaseFindStatus;
Change History: Added in the 03.03.00


MEIMotorPhaseFindStatus is a structure containing information which reflects the status of the drive Phase Finding Procedure.


The current state of the phase finding process: in progress, failed, success. 


A drive-specific code and string that describes the quality of the phase finding after the process has been completed. Or it may also include status information that describes why the phase finding failed.

NOTE: The support for this variable is drive dependant and in some cases may not be available.  Be sure to check with the drive manufacturer for support.

See Also

MEIMotorPhaseFindState | MEIMotorPhaseFindDriveMessage | meiMotorPhaseFindStart | meiMotorPhaseFindAbort | meiMotorPhaseFindStatus

Motor Phase Finding


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