


long mpiMotionEventNotifySet(MPIMotion    motion,
                             MPIEventMask eventmask,
                             void         *external)

Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiMotionEventNotifySet requests host notification of the event(s) that are generated by motion and specified by eventMask, and also specified by the implementation-specific location pointed to by external (if external is not NULL).

The event notification information in external is in addition to the event notification information in eventmask, i.e, the event notification information in eventmask and in external is not the same information. Note that eventmask or external can be NULL (but not both NULL).

Event notification is enabled for event types specified in eventMask, a bit mask generated by the bitwise OR of the MPIEventMask bits associated with the desired MPIEventType values. Event notification is disabled for event types that are not specified in eventMask.

The mask of event types generated by a Motion object consists of bits from MPIEventMaskMOTION and MPIEventMaskAXIS.


external either points to a structure of type MEIEventNotifyData{} or is NULL.
The MEIEventNotifyData{} structure is an array of firmware addresses, whose contents are placed into the MEIEventStatusInfo{} structure (of all events generated by this object).

enable host notification of all events set eventmask to MPIEventMaskALL
disable host notification of all events set eventmask to MPIEventTypeNONE
Return Values

See Also

MPIEventType | MEIEventNotifyData | MEIEventStatusInfo | mpiEventMaskMOTION | mpiEventMaskAXIS | mpiMotionEventNotifyGet


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