
mpiEventMaskMOTION / meiEventMaskMOTION

Declaration: mpiEventMaskMOTION

#define mpiEventMaskMOTION(mask)
  Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiEventMaskMOTION is a macro that assigns all the bits associated with MPI Motion object events to the event mask. The MPI event types are defined in the MPIEventType enumeration. After the event mask bits are initialized, the mask can be passed to a mpiObjectEventNotifySet(...) method, which configures the controller to generate events.

mask An array of unsigned longs. Use MPIEventMask to declare the mask. Each bit in the array represents a mask for a particular event.


Declaration: meiEventMaskMOTION

#define meiEventMaskMOTION(mask)
  Required Header: stdmei.h


meiEventMaskMOTION is a macro that assigns all the bits associated with MPI Motion object events to the event mask. The MPI event types are defined in the MPIEventType enumeration. After the event mask bits are initialized, the mask can be passed to a mpiObjectEventNotifySet(...) method, which configures the controller to generate events.

mask An array of unsigned longs. Use MPIEventMask to declare the mask. Each bit in the array represents a mask for a particular event.

See Also

MPIEventMask | MEIEventType


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