


typedef	struct MPIMotionPVT {
    long            pointCount;
    double          *position;
    double          *velocity;
    double          *time;
    MPIMotionPoint  point;
} MPIMotionPVT;


pointCount This value specifies the number of points.
position This array stores the positions for the motion profile. There is one position value per point, per axis. The length of the array must be equal to pointCount multiplied by the number of axes. The positions are interleaved in the array by the axis index.

This array stores the velocities for the motion profile. There is one velocity value per point, per axis. The length of the array must be equal to pointCount multiplied by the number of axes. The velocities are interleaved in the array by the axis index.

time This array stores the times for the motion profile. There is one time value per point. The time specifies the number of seconds between the specified position, and the previous position (point). The length of the time array must be equal to pointCount.
point This structure contains the point configuration. Please see MPIMotionPoint data type for more information.

See Also

MPIMotionPoint | Streaming Point Motion Type Calculations |
Frame Buffer Management for Streaming Point Motion

PT and PVT Path Motion


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