


const char *mpiMessage(long  messageId,
                       char  *messageText) 
  Required Header: stdmpi.h


mpiMessage returns the text message associated with messageId and copies the text to messageText if messageText is not NULL.

If "messageText" is
NULL Message returns a pointer to message text resident in the library
not NULL Message returns the pointer messageText, which must point to a buffer large enough to hold the message text (that will be copied into it)


Return Values
NULL if messageId is invalid
Pointer to an empty string (" ") if the messge utility is not enabled or the message function pointer associated with messageId is NULL1.
Pointer to a non-zero-length string if the mpiMessage successsfully retrieves the message associated with messageId.

1 - ObjectCreate(...) methods register the appropriate message function associated with Object’s module. If the MPI returns a certain messageId, then the appropriate message function should already be loaded and mpiMessage should return the appropriate error code.

Only an application whose job is to translate message IDs specified by some source other than the MPI (user or a log file) to error messages will need to call the create methods of all MPI objects. MEI recommends using the message.exe utility for this task, since it is already designed to manage these issues.

See Also

mpiMessageFunction | message.exe utility


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