


typedef struct MEICanConfig {
    MEICanBitRate          bitRate;
    unsigned        long   cyclicPeriod;
    unsigned        long   healthPeriod;
    unsigned        long   nodeNumber;
    unsigned        long   inhibitTime;
} MEICanConfig;


MEICanConfig holds the configuration of the CAN object. The default state for this structure is held in the controller's flash. Use the meiCanConfigGet/Set and meiCanNodeConfigGet/Set to interrogate and change to what the CAN system is currently using or the default.


The bit rate the CAN bus uses.
See also CAN Bit Rate.

cyclicPeriod The period (milliseconds) between sending consecutive SYNC messages. A value of zero will disable the SYNC messages from being produced.
      Minimum = 0
      Maximum = 65535
See also CAN Transmission Types.

The period (milliseconds) used for checking the health of nodes. A value of zero will disable the health checking protocol. For nodes that use the node guarding protocol, this is the node guarding period. For nodes that use the heartbeating protocol, this is the heartbeat consumer time (the heartbeat producers are half this period).
      Minimum = 0
      Maximum = 65535
See also CAN Node Health.

nodeNumber The node number of the controller on the CAN network. CANOpen requires that the master node has a valid node number to implement the heartbeat protocol.
      Node Number Range: 1 - 127
See also CAN Node Numbers.

The minimum time (in milliseconds) that a node on the network will remain silent before transmitting their next event message.
      Minimum = 0
      Maximum = 65535
See also CAN Transmission Types.

See Also

meiCanConfigGet | meiCanConfigSet | meiCanNodeConfigGet | meiCanNodeConfigSet


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