
S200: Accessing Drive Parameters over SynqNet

This note applies to the Kollmorgen S200-SynqNet drive.


The drive's functionality is designed to use various drive parameters and instructions, which are communicated over SynqNet. Some parameters have read-only access, whereas other parameters may have read/write access. The parameters can be stored in non-volatile memory on the drive and are used on each power-up cycle.

Examples of read-only drive parameters are:
       drive command value (CMD_IN)
       drive model number (MODEL)
       drive bus voltage (V_BUS)

Examples of read/write drive parameters are:
       commutation offset value (COMM_OFF)
       proportional gain of the current loop (KIP)
       motor pole count (D_POLES)

Drives are shipped from the factory with motor parameters set to zero and application parameters set to their default values.

Parameters are identified by their command string and index. The index is used when accessing a parameter over SynqNet. Drive parameters are implemented for particular drive models and firmware versions.

NOTE: Supported parameters for a drive may be different, depending on the version of firmware.

The MPI library contains a general drive parameter interface that is able to handle any set of drive parameters, independent of the MPI library version. It uses a drive parameter map file to determine the valid drive parameters. Individual drive parameters can be set (or read) using MPI methods or with the sqDriveParam Utility. A list of drive parameters can also be set (or read) using MPI methods or with the sqDriveConfig Utility.

The following sections describe the syntax of utilities used when accessing parameters. These utilities are typically executed from a DOS window in the XMP\bin\WinNT directory.


Memory Operations on Drive Parameters

The drive firmware operates by using parameters stored in RAM. However, these parameters can also be saved in non-volatile memory (E2PROM), where they are loaded into RAM upon power up. The non-volatile memory can also be cleared. Parameters may be reset to their default values and a set of saved parameters may be loaded from the non-volatile memory into the RAM.

The operations described above are executed using SynqNet Direct Commands, which are listed in the table below. The command string is used to identify the specific command. It also indicates the syntax of the command used when communicating with the drive over the serial port.

SynqNet Direct Commands
Command String
SynqNet Direct Command
Save Parameters
Save all parameters to non-volatile memory.


Accessing Individual Parameters

Use the sqDriveParam Utility for accessing individual parameters. The syntax follows the conventions listed below.

  • x is the node number. Nodes are numbered starting from zero.
  • y is the drive, or axis, number on that node. Drives are numbered starting from zero.
  • <parameter index> identifies the parameter being accessed.
  • <data value> is the data being written to the parameter.

Syntax for reading drive parameters:
sqdriveparam -server <ip address> -node x -drive y -read <parameter index>

Syntax for writing drive parameters:
sqdriveparam -server <ip address> -node x -drive y -write <parameter index> -data <value>

To read the value of the drive rated peak current:
sqdriveparam -server <ip address> -node x -drive y -read 0x3

Set the encoder resolution to 2048:
sqdriveparam -server <ip address> -node x -drive y -write 0x7 -data 2048


Accessing an Entire Parameter Set

Use the sqDriveConfig Utility for reading or writing an entire set of drive parameters. The utility uses a Drive Parameter Map File that contains definitions and properties of the drive parameters. The map file needs to match the drive processor firmware version in terms of version number and in terms of the set of supported parameters.

Syntax for reading an entire set of parameters to a file:
SqDriveConfig -server <ip address> –node x –drive y –get <destination file name> -map <map file name>

Syntax for writing an entire set of parameters from a file:
SqDriveConfig -server <ip address> –node x –drive y –set <source file name> -map <map file name>

Map files for each drive are delivered with the MPI installation and can be found in the XMP\bin subdirectory. In addition, the map file matched to a specific version of drive firmware can be downloaded from the Drive Firmware section. Simply select the drive and retrieve the appropriate firmware and map file information.


Drive Parameter Map File

The drive parameter map file is a text file that contains a list of valid drive parameters for a particular drive model. The file contains five sections: File Header, Drive Identification, Parameter Identification, Configuration, and File Footer. Each Drive Identification section is matched with a Parameter Identification and Configuration section. Depending on the firmware version, there may be more than one parameter section.

The format is described below. A sample map file, for the S200-SynqNet drive is shown in the Sample Drive Map File.


File Header

The file header contains one line:
       #MPI Drive Parameters


Drive Identification Section

This section contains one line, which describes the name of the manufacturer, the model number, and the drive firmware versions that are compatible with the drive parameter list.
       #”Manufacturer and Model” “drive firmware version”    (file-specific)

For the S200-SynqNet, the “Manufacturer and Model” text will always be “Kollmorgen S200."

       # "Kollmorgen S200" "2.0a"


Parameter Identification Section

This section contains definitions of the parameters that are valid for the firmware version(s) listed in the Drive Identification section. The section begins with the following header line:

Each line in this section contains the following parameter identification information.

Parameter Identification
Drive parameter number (in hex).
Drive parameter name, or command string.
read/write access
Read/write (rw) or read-only (ro).
data type
One of the pre-defined data types (see the Data Types table).
List of valid values, range of valid values, or an address.
default value
Parameter value to be used if value is not specified.
help string
Simple string to provide help to user.

All service commands and drive parameters are accessed over the service channel as 32-bit quantities, but the 32 bits of data can represent different types of data. To support various data types with generic software tools, the supported data types have been predefined. Here are the data type names that are supported for the drive parameter map file.

Data Types
An 8-bit unsigned binary number.
A 16-bit unsigned binary number.
A 32-bit unsigned binary number.
An 8-bit binary, twos-complement number.
An 16-bit binary, twos-complement number.
An 32-bit binary, twos-complement number.
An 32-bit unsigned hexadecimal number (same as unsigned32 but displayed as hexadecimal).
A list of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 where each number has a specific meaning (same as unsigned32 but displayed as a selectable list).
A set of bits 1, 2, 4, 8 where each bit has a specific meaning (same as unsigned32 but displayed as a set of selectable flags).
An ASCII character.
A 32-bit floating point number according to IEEE754.
A write-only parameter where the data is always zero. Performs an action/command on the drive that does not need any data.

A few examples from the CD SynqNet and the PicoDAD are:

rw signed 16
0 "Back EMF compensation percentage"
ro signed 16
0 "Drive rated continuous current"
ro signed 16
0 "Drive rated peak current"
rw signed 16
0 "Application rated continuous current"


Parameter Configuration Section

The Configuration Section lists the parameters that will be downloaded to a drive from a drive configuration file, or uploaded from a drive to a configuration file, using the sqDriveConfig Utility. The section begins with the following header line:

The header is followed by a list of drive parameter names (names only; not values). For example:

// – Indicates a comment and the line is ignored by the parser.

The sequence of names does not need to correspond to the sequence in the Parameter Identification section. However, it does need to follow the sequence of parameters required by the drive.

The configuration section typically ends with a –1. This code is used to instruct the sqDriveConfig Utility to execute a drive CONFIG after the parameters have been downloaded. After changing certain drive parameters (primarily motor and feedback parameters), the drive will be in a "Not Configured" state and will require the execution of CONFIG to configure the drive.


File Footer

       #end – Designates the end of the parameter map file.


Drive Configuration File

The drive configuration file contains the actual parameter values. The file has a one-line header that identifies the following:
       node number
       drive number
       drive identification
       firmware version number

The drive configuration file must match the map file, the firmware version of the drive being addressed, and the location of that drive on the SynqNet network.

Here is an example of the header line:
       # sqNode[3] drive[0] "Kollmorgen S200" "2.0a"

This header shows that the file contains data for the S200-SynqNet drive that is located on Node 3. The header also specifies that the drive has firmware version 2.0a. If the drive does not have this version, an error message will be displayed.

The rest of the file consists of parameter command strings followed by their values. For an example, see the Sample Drive Map File.

The easiest way to create a template for the drive configuration file is to read a file of data from a drive. It is important that the map file exists and is valid.


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