
IV. Appendix

Pre-compiled utilities are included in the VxWorks release located at C:\MEI\XMP\BIN. These utilities support two modes of communication. They can be loaded and run from the target system or across Ethernet from a Win32 host with the –server flag:

Table of Contents

  1. VxWorks XMP Support Utilities
    1. flash
    2. meireset
    3. message
    4. Motion Console
    5. Motion Scope
    6. MPI/XMP Sample Applications
    7. server
    8. sqNodeFlash
    9. version
    10. vm3

VxWorks XMP Support Utilities


Load the flash.o object onto the target system.
For example, type: flash "C:/MEI/XMP/bin/xmpNNNxN.bin"

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host.
Type: flash –server <target> "C:/MEI/XMP/bin/xmpNNNxN.bin"


Load the meireset.o object onto the target system.
Type: meireset

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host.
Type: meireset –server <target>


Load the message.o object onto the target system.
Type: message "[msg#]"

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host.
Type: message –server <target> [msg#]

Motion Console

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host, please see the Motion Console section.

Motion Scope

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host, please see the Motion Scope section.

MPI/XMP Sample Applications

This release installs a makefile for building the sample applications under Tornado. The makefile provides an interface to build all the sample apps from the command line using the make utility.


Load the server.o object onto the target system.
Type: server


Load the sqNodeFlash.o object onto the target system.
Type: sqNodeFlash "-file","xxx.xx","-node","0"

Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host.
Type: sqNodeFlash -file xxx.xx -node 0


Load the version.o object onto the target system.
Type: ver

NOTE: Due to a VxWorks module name conflict, the version.o main routine does not match the module name.


Operation not supported on the target system or via a SPARC station.
Running via TCP/IP from a Win32 host, type: Vm3 –server <target>


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