

typedef struct MPISqNodeMonitorLocation {
  long             *addr;
  unsigned long    mask;
  unsigned long    rightShift;
} MPISqNodeMonitorLocation;

Change History: Added in the 03.04.00.


MPISqNodeMonitorLocation is a structure to decode the monitor field. It contains a controller address, bit mask, and bit shift information for the specific monitor field: MPISqNodeMonitorValueIndexA, MPISqNodeMonitorValueIndexB, or MPISqNodeMonitorValueIndexC.

addr address for the drive monitor field
mask bit mask to apply to the monitor field
rightShift bit shift to apply to monitor field

Sample Code

Read and display the supported monitor field information.

MPIMotorConfig MPISqNodeDriveMonitorInfo monInfo;

returnValue =
mpiSqNodeDriveMonitorInfo(sqNode, driveIndex, &monInfo); if(returnValue == MPIMessageOK && monInfo.monitorCount) {
printf("Monitor Information:\n");
printf("\rAvailable Monitors A");
if(monInfo.monitorCount > 1) {
printf(", B");
if(monInfo.monitorCount > 2) {
printf(", C");
printf("\n\nMonitor Locations:\n");
for(i = 0; i < monInfo.monitorCount; i++) {
printf(" %c Controller address 0x%x, mask 0x%x, right shift %d\n",
'A'+ i, monInfo.location[i].addr, monInfo.location[i].mask, monInfo.location[i].rightShift);

See Also

MPISqNodeMonitorConfigInfo | MPISqNodeDriveMonitorInfo | mpiSqNodeDriveMonitorInfo |