2. Start the FTP server supplied by Tornado on the host
computer. An FTP server is only needed if files will be loaded off
the host computer.
3. Add a User Profile for the eXMP-SynqNet.
Default setttings: User Name:
target Password:
4. Open HyperTerminal and configure a new connection. Choose
a name and icon for this connection.
5. If it is not already connected, connect eXMP COM1/Console
to COM1 on the host computer using a NULL serial cable. Console
mode is now enabled on the eXMP-SynqNet.
6. After pressing OK, switch "Connect using" to
apporpriate COM port. All other fields should be grayed out after
selections have been made.
7. Configure the connection as follows:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 2
Flow control: None
Click OK. The session is now active. (Upon exit, save
this session for later use.)