Start Guide
XMP-SynqNet Controller |
Microsoft Visual C/C++
This section is an overview of running an executable C-program via Microsoft Visual C/C++. If you are not currently running MS VIsual C/C++, this section will not apply. Even though the XMP can be controlled by a C-program written on many different platforms, this section only covers MS Visual C/C++.
- Open Visual C/C++ Version 6 or higher.
- Go to File > Open Workspace. Browse for app.dsw.
Default location:

- The file type should be set to display Makefile [.mak] and upon doing so, the app.mak file appears. Open app.dsw. If you are asked whether the project should be converted to the verson of Visual C/C++ you are running, click Yes.
- Change to File View and select quickStart1 files.
- Right click on the quickStart1 files and "Set as Active Project."
(This should set the quickStart1 files in bold.)
- Click on quickStart1.c in the "Source Files" sub directory. Go to the Build menu and select Build quickStart1.exe.
- Make sure that there are no errors or warnings in the dialog box.
- Click the execute button
and the program will now be carried out. At any time you can stop the motion by hitting any key.

- Open Motion Scope and you can view certain parameters by selecting the Trace button and adding the parameters you want to graph.
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