RMB-10V2-SynqNet Features

Node Features
- 4 Axes (Each with the following Axis Features below)
- 4 Analog Inputs
- ±10V, 16 bit resolution (specs)
- 1 Dedicated Opto Input, 5V or 24V
- 1 General Purpose Opto Input
- 1 Auxiliary Digital Encoder Input (A/B/I)
- Can use for any axis
- RS422 with Broken Wire Detection (specs)
- 24V Power Connector (pinouts)
- Axes 0-1 Connector (pinouts)
- Axes 2-3 Connector (pinouts)
- SynqNet Connectors (pinouts)
- Status LEDs (specs)
Axis Features
- 1 or 2 DAC Outputs
- ±10V, 16 bit resolution (specs)
- 1 Digital Encoder Input (A/B/I)
- RS 422 with Broken Wire Detection (specs)
- 1 Encoder Power Output Pin (specs)
- 4 Dedicated Opto Inputs, 5V or 24V
- Amp Fault In, Home, Positive Limit In, Negative Limit In (specs)
- 1 Dedicated Opto Output
- 1 General Purpose Bi-directional Opto
- 3 General Purpose Bi-directional RS 422