
Drive Map File

S200 SynqNet Drive

The following is a sample map file for the Kollmorgen S200-SynqNet drive.
You can also download a text version of this mapfile here.

# "Kollmorgen S200" "2.0a"
0 ARF0 rw single {*} 0 "Sets the break frequency for the anti-resonance low pass filter #1"
1 ARF1 rw single {*} 0 "Sets the break frequency for the anti-resonance low pass filter #2"
2 BAT_F_DIS rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects between enabling or disabling the battery low fault"
3 CMD_F0 rw single {*} 0 "Sets the break frequency for the low pass filter applied to the command"
4 CMD_SRC rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the source of the command to be delivered"
5 COMM_MODE rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets the drive mode of commutation"
6 COMM_OFF rw single {*} 0 "Sets the commutation offset value"
7 DINP1_POL rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the input polarity of DINP1"
8 DINP2_POL rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the input polarity of DINP2"
9 DINP3_POL rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the input polarity of DINP3"
10 DINP4_POL rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the input polarity of DINP4"
11 HS_INP1_POL rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the input polarity of HSInp1"
12 DM1_MAP rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the variable to be mapped to the DACMon1 output pin"
13 DM2_MAP rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the variable to be mapped to the DACMon2 output pin"
14 D_POLES rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets the motor pole count"
15 ENC_OUT rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects the emulated encoders output line count"
16 FLT_DIAG rw signed32 {*} 0 "Select between the DOUT1 line being a standard drive faulted output OR a diagnostic blink code output"
17 I2T_F0 rw single {*} 0 "Sets the break frequency of the low pass filter for the I2T fault"
18 I2T_TRIP rw single {*} 0 "Sets the I2T fault trip level"
19 I_LMT_PLUS rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets the clockwise current limit"
20 I_LMT_MINUS rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets the counter-clockwise current limit"
21 IT_MODE rw signed32 {*} 0 "Selects whether the drive I*T faults or automatically folds back current limits"
22 KIP rw single {*} 0 "Sets the proportional gain of the current loop"
23 KVI rw single {*} 0 "Sets the integral gain of the velocity loop"
24 KVP rw single {*} 0 "Sets the proportional gain of the velocity loop"
25 SEL_SFD_PARAM rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets whether the SFD parameter settings are used OR the drive settings are used"
26 SFD_SPAN rw signed32 {*} 0 "Sets whether the drive faults on any SFD communications error OR not"
27 CMD_IN ro single {*} 0 "Indicates the drive command value"
28 DINP1 ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the state of IO input DINP1"
29 EXT_FAULTS ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the drive extended fault code"
30 HS_TEMP ro single {*} 0 "Indicates the drive heat sink temperature"
31 I_FB ro single {*} 0 "Torque producing derotated current (Iq)"
32 ID_FB ro single {*} 0 "Non-torque producing derotated current (Id)"
33 LOGIC_VER ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the version number of the drive logic"
34 MODEL ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the drive model number"
35 MTEMP ro single {*} 0 "Indicates the motor temperature"
36 POS_FB ro single {*} 0 "Indicates instantaneous motor shaft position within one motor rev"
37 PWM_LO ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates whether the drive has switched to half base PWM frequency"
38 SERIAL_NUM ro string {*} 0 "Indicates the drive serial number" 39 SETUP_S1 ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the state of the drive rotary switch S1"
40 SETUP_S2 ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the state of the drive dip switch S2"
41 SFD_EXT_FAULTS ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the faultcode of the SFD"
42 SIX_STEP ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates whether the drive is using six step or sinusoidal commutation"
43 V_BUS ro single {*} 0 "Indicates the drive bus voltage"
44 VER_LW ro string {*} 0 "Indicates the version number of the drive firmware"
45 VELOCITY ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the filtered shaft feedback velocity" 46 SFD_POS_MT ro signed32 {*} 0 "Indicates the instantaneous motor shaft position in units of multi-turns from the SFD feedback"


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