
Shape-based Feedforward Tuning:

Final Adjustments

You can see that at the end of the tuning of Kfff it appears that we have some Kaff error.

  10,000 count move
Trapezoidal move:
      5e5 accel, decel, vel
Green - Commanded Velocity             
Yellow - Commanded Acceleration                   
White - Position Error

Kfff = 500
Kvff = 0
Kaff = 100,000
Kp = 100
Ki = 0
Kd = 2,000
Peak Position Error = 7 counts 

After you have adjusted Kaff, Kvff, and Kfff, you may notice some slight errors that were not as evident before. This is particularly normal if you started with a large position error peak. In our example, the original peak position error = 187 counts before we adjusted Kaff.

Now that our peak position error is around 7 counts, some slight errors are now visible. We will now attempt to resolve these few remaining errors and lower our peak position error even more.

First, let's adjust Kaff. Make Kaff = 101,000.

  10,000 count move
Trapezoidal move:
      5e5 accel, decel, vel
Green - Commanded Velocity             
Yellow - Commanded Acceleration                   
White - Position Error

Kfff = 500
Kvff = 0
Kaff = 101,000
Kp = 100
Ki = 0
Kd = 2,000
Peak Position Error = 5 counts 

As you can see, the peak position error is a bit lower now.

In order to visually see how much we were able to reduce the position error by using Shape-based Feedforward Tuning, look at the Before and After plots of our data using the same YScale.

Kaff = 0
Kvff = 0
Kfff = 0


Kaff = 101,000
Kvff = 40         
Kfff = 500       

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