
The sqNodeReplace Utility is used to shutdown nodes on a network, physically remove the shutdown nodes, and replace them with identical nodes. This operation is performed while all the other nodes on the network remain in SYNQ mode (cyclic).

For more information, see SynqNet HotReplace.



-? Help
-control # Controller number (default = 0)
-server # Name of the host running server.exe
-port # TCP/IP port on the host computer. (default = 3300)
-trace # Bit mask to specify trace information outputs.
-nodeMask Bit mask to specify nodes to shutdown.



To shutdown and restart node 1:

   C:MEI\XMP\bin\WinNT>sqnodereplace -nodeMask 0x2

   Shutting Down Nodes 1
Press any key to Restart Nodes or ESC to Exit
   Restarting Nodes

   Success: All Nodes have been Restored


To shutdown node 1 (press ESC):
   C:MEI\XMP\bin\WinNT>sqnodereplace -nodeMask 0x2

   Shutting Down Nodes 1
   Press any key to Restart Nodes or ESC to Exit


To restart all nodes that have been previously shutdown:

   Restarting Nodes\

   Success: All Nodes have been Restored


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