
The sqLogger Utility logs SynqNet network status, packet errors, and CRCs to a file.

This program demonstrates how to log SynqNet network status information to a file. It is useful for monitoring network operation and/or debugging network problems.

By default, this program checks status information from the controller, network, and nodes every 200 milliseconds. If there is a change in status, the data is displayed and logged to a file (SQlog.txt). The program executes until a key is pressed.

The display information is in an easy to read format to fit within the screen. The log data is tab delimited for import into MS Excel. Command line parameters allow the user to change the log file name (-file), disable the display update (-quiet), and adjust the update period (-period).

The following information is logged:

Network Topology
Network Event Status
Node Event Status
Failed Node Mask
Packet Error Counters

For Events, the following information is logged:

Network Dead Event
Rx Failure Event
Tx Failure Event
Node Failure Event
Recovery Event
Network State change


At the command line, type one of the following options:
         ex: D:\WIP\04.00.00\Win32>sqLogger

-? Help
-control # Controller number (default = 0)
-server # Name or IP address of the host running server.exe
-port # TCP/IP port on the host computer (default = 3300)
-trace # Bit mask to specify trace information outputs.
-file # File name to store logging information.
-quiet # Disables logging information to console.
-period # Number of mSec to delay between samples.



D:WIP\04.00.00\Win32>sqLogger -control 1
D:WIP\04.00.00\Win32>sqLogger -file synqNetlog.txt

D:WIP\04.00.00\Win32>sqDriveMtReset -period 3000

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