
The sqDriveParam Utility allows control of the drive parameters on a SynqNet node. Typically, this utility is used for viewing or changing a single drive parameter.

The diagram below shows how the drive parameter actions affect the drive parameters in the drive.


-? Help
-control # Controller number (default = 0)
-server # Name or IP address of the host running server.exe
-port # TCP/IP port on the host computer (default = 3300)
-trace # Bit mask to specify trace information outputs.
-node # Node address on the SynqNet network (default = 0).
-drive # Index of the drive relative to the node (default = 0)
-motor # The MPI motor object mapped to the drive (default = 0)
-read # Read the specified parameter.
-write # Write tot he specified parameter.
-action # Perform the drive parameter action.
-data # Data that is written to the drive parameter (default = 0)
-type #

The data type of the drive parameter:
      unsigned32 (default)

-store Copies the parameter table from the Drive Processor's RAM to its local non-volatile memory.
-restore Loads the parameter table in the Drive Processor's RAM with a set of factory default parameters.
-clear Loads the default parameter table into both the current runtime and stored parameter tables
-reload Copies the default parameter table to the current RAM version.
-calculate Causes the Drive Processor to re-compute the set of internal variables that are derived from the motor's parameter list that is now in RAM.



Read Drive Parameter x x
Write Drive Parameter x x x
Drive Parameter Action x
Clear Drive Parameters x
Save Drive Parameters x
Calculate using Parameters x
Restore Drive Parameters x
Reload Drive Parameters x
- You can use either -node and -drive, OR just -motor to specify the desired drive interface.


To read drive parameter 6 from node 0 (node and drive zero are assumed since zero is their default values)
       C:Mei\03.03.00\Xmp\Bin\WinNT>sqdriveparam -server -read 6
    parameter 6 is 300

To write 200 to drive parameter 20h to drive 1 on node 3
       C:Mei\03.03.00\Xmp\Bin\WinNT>sqdriveparam -write 0x20 -data 200
    -node 3 -drive 1

To write 10 to drive parameter 20h to motor 3
       C:Mei\03.03.00\Xmp\Bin\WinNT>sqdriveparam -write 0x20 -data 200
    -motor 3

To read drive parameter 5 from node 0
       C:Mei\03.03.00\Xmp\Bin\WinNT>sqdriveparam -read 5 -type hex
    parameter 5 is FFE0H

Store the drive parameter on node 1
       C:Mei\03.03.00\Xmp\Bin\WinNT>sqdriveparam -store -node 1



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