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Safety PrecautionsThis section provides mechanical and electrical hazard information. Mechanical HazardsThe following mechanical precautions should always be observed, especially when operating large, powerful components: Crush-Collision Danger to Personnel -- Even small mechanical components can exert sufficient force to crush or injure you! Before powering your motion control system, verify that personnel, including their hands, fingers and feet are clear of the safety zone. If you have not already done so, define a safety zone, then employ barriers and/or clearly marked boundary lines so that personnel are excluded from the zone. Before powering motion control components, verify that all personnel remain outside the safety zone. Crush-Collision Hazard to Equipment -- The same precautions applied to personnel should be observed for equipment. Components can be damaged or destroyed due to collision with other components or fixed hardware. Component Hazards -- Motion control may be applied to components which themselves present hazards. These include welders, saws, lasers, presses, cutters, etc. Be aware that the introduction of movement to a component extends the reach and range of that component's hazards. In addition, any object can be made dangerous if suddenly jarred loose or pitched due to sudden, wild movements. When testing new applications, it is recommended that you begin at very low speeds, then slowly increase to the design speed. Electrical HazardsElectrocution Hazard -- Some motion control systems utilize high voltages and currents which present hazards to personnel. During installation and servicing of components:
ESD -- Due to the use of sensitive microelectronics, all SynqNet Controllers are subject to damage due to electrostatic discharge (ESD). When handling SynqNet components, users are advised to observe basic ESD precautions, including the use of grounding straps and grounding mats. Removed XMP components should always be stored in protective ESD bags and/or cases.
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