

Reading Versions With Motion Console

Motion Console can read version information from the controller, MPI, and drives.

To access the MPI version, firmware version, and Motion Console version, click Motion Console > Help > About Motion Console...

The About Motion Console window that pops up has several versions in it:

Using the screen shot above as an example:

      • Version - is the version of Motion Console. (ex: 03.40.10)
      • MPI firmware:- is the version of firmware that runs on the controller. (ex: version 532 option 0)
      • MPI DLL: - is the version of the MPI that is being used. (ex: version 03.01.00)
      • MPI: - is the version of MPI that Motion Console expects to see. (ex: version 03.01.00)

Reading The Firmware Version With The Controller Summary

The version of firmware on the controller can be read in Motion Console -> Controller Summary -> Version as is shown in the following screen shot.

The firmware version, revision, and option are shown in the Firmware Version, Firmware Revision, and Firmware Option cells, respectively.

For non zero Firmware Option versions, replace the M in XMP with the option number. The default firmware version (zero) as shown above would be called XMP532A1.bin. If the Firmware Option number was 1 the default firmware version would be called X1P532A1.bin. For ZMP firmware, replace XMP with ZMP.


Reading The Node FPGA Versions With the SynqNet Node Summary Window

The Node FPGA versions can be read in Motion Console > SqNode Summary > Info. The FPGA version is shown in the FPGA Version cell. The FPGA runtime version is included in the last four digits.

For example, the runtime version of both FPGA images shown above is 0311. The node device ID is shown in the last four digits of the FPGA Vendor/Device cell. SqNode 0, above, has a node device ID of 002D. When looking for a node FPGA file, the node device ID and FPGA runtime version are combined in the format C0FExxxx_yyyy.sff, where xxxx is the node device ID and yyyy is the FPGA runtime version. For example, the FPGA file for node 0, above, is C0FE002D_0311.sff.

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