

Matlab Utility

M-Files | Analysis Files




The LowPass Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Simulink. It generates the text file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP for a low pass filter specified in the LowPass utility arguments by using the standard second order Biquad block. The low pass filter type is a second order Butterworth Design.

Matlab Command Line
(Hertz, Ts, name)
Input Argument Description
Hertz Filter Break Point in Hertz
Ts Controller Sample Rate
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.
Example BIQ=Lowpass (250, Ts, 'BIQ')



The Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller for a multistage-cascaded biquad filter.

Matlab Command Line
(b, a. Ts, blockname)
Input Argument Description
b Numerator of Z-domain transfer function.
a Denominator of Z-domain transfer function.
Ts Controller Sample Rate
blockName Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.



The Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller for the Observer Block.

Matlab Command Line
(Obs, blockname)
Input Argument Description

The state space description of the observer block in discrete time. Mechaware Observers are 2 input, 1 output, Nth order systems. Obs is a Matlab LTI (Linear Time Invariant) Structure.

blockName Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
OBS Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.



The Matlab utility program is used to make a second order notch filter structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller. The low pass filter type is a second order Butterworth design transformed to a notch filter.

Matlab Command Line
Input Argument Description
Hertz Notch Center Frequency in Hertz
BW Notch Width in Hertz
Ts Controller Sample Rate
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.
Example BIQ=Notch(100,100,Ts,'BIQ')


The Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text parameter file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller. PID2BIQ implements a PID algorithm using the standard second order Biquad block: pid2biq=PID2BIQ(Ypid,name)

Matlab Command Line
Input Argument Description
Ypid A matlab structure that defines pid gains and sample rate. The structure has the following elements:
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.

ypid =

     Kp: 1
     Ki: 0.5000
     Kd: 50
     Ts: 1.2500e-004



The Matlab utility program is used to make the mechaware structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text parameter file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller for a Resonator Filter using the standard second order Biquad block.

Matlab Command Line
( fn,bw,depth,Ts,name )
Input Argument Description
fn Center Frequency in Hertz
bw Width in Hertz
depth Depth or Height of filter Magnitude in dB.
Ts Controller Sample Rate
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.




The Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Ssimulink. It also generates the text parameter file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller for a UnityGain Filter. It uses the standard second order Biquad block.

Matlab Command Line
(Ts, name)
Input Argument Description
Ts Controller Sample Rate
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.




The Matlab utility program is used to make the MechaWare structure required by Simulink. It also generates the text parameter file that is downloaded to the XMP/ZMP motion controller for a second order filter specified with 2 poles, 2 zeros, and DC gain. using standard the 2nd order Biquad block.

Matlab Command Line
(Ts, name)
Input Argument Description
z Transfer Function zeros in Hertz;
     z is a matlab array
p Transfer Function poles in Hertz;
     p is a matlab array
k DC gain of Transfer Function
Ts Controller Sample Rate
name Name of Parameter text file. This should be the same name as the output variable.
Output Variable Output Variable
BIQ Name of MechaWare structure used by Simulink.

BIQ=ZP2BIQ([-80; -100],
                    [-20 ;-1000],

MATLAB Analysis Files

Calculates and plots the Frequency Response transer funtion of Y(s)/U(s) of two input vecotrs: u and y.

fftcalc uses Welch's Method to calculate the frequency response.

Matlab Command Line
[P,F]=fftcalc(u, y, Fs, Measpar);
Input Argument Description
u Input data vector
y Output vector
Fs Corresponding Sample Rate for input and output data
Measpar Matlab structure that defines FFT and plotting parameters.
Measpar,NFFT Number of points in FFT.
Measpar. WINDOW Window vector used for analysis has same number of points as NFFT.

Overlap specified as number of points.


Sample Rate of Data Collection


Vector [min max], containing minimum and maximum values plotted on the magnitude plot.


Vector [min max], containing minimum and maximum values plotted on the phase plot.


Vector [min max], containing minimum and maximum values that Frequency is plotted.

Output Variable Output Variable

Complex Frequency Response


Corresponding Frequency in Hertz for P




measpar =

     NFFT: 8192
     WINDOW: [8192x1 double]
     OVERLAP: 4096
           Fs: 8000
           MagRange: [0.0100 100]
           PhasRange: [-180 180]
           FreqRange: [1 1000]


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