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ZMP Memory OrganizationThe ZMP has two memory regions: external SDRAM and flash memory. 16K of data cache and 16K of instructional cache are also available on the PowerPC. Another data-only region exists in external RAM. The MEIXmpData structure (defined in xmp.h) just about fills the internal RAM region. The MEIXmpBufferData structure is in the external memory region. (Almost all of the configurable parameters are in the MEIXmpData structure.) ZMP memory organization
Immediately after power-on or reset, the SHARC loads a small boot loader (~128 words) from the bottom of flash memory into internal RAM, and then branches to the first instruction. This boot loader then loads the rest of the firmware code (~16K words) from the same flash memory page and then jumps to the first firmware instruction. The firmware then copies data into the MEIXmpData (internal RAM) and MEIXmpBufferData (external RAM) structures from identical copies stored in flash memory.
Memory MapMemory Map of ZMP-PCICorrupted Flash Memory?
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