

The Power block raises the input by the power defined by the block’s exponent value.


The following example demonstrates how to use MechaWare for operations such as Mathematics. In this example, the Test Input Block is used, the input is raied to the 3rd power (specified in the block parameters), and toutput the 3rd power using the Test Output block.

The Power Block can be configured to raise the input to any power and output the value.

The following parameters are used to configure this block:



Exponent. Output = Input ^ Exponent

Evaluate Block This block allows you to specify whether the block executes Every Sample, Every Other Sample (Odd or Even), or Every Fourth Sample (and specify the First, Second, Third, or Fourth). This provides greater flexibility in controlling the execution of a model and to preserve performance for other areas of motion control.
User Defined Block Priority When selected, allows you to enter a Priority Code to modify Execution Ordering of this block. For more information, see Block Execution Order and User Defined Block Priority.
Priority For an explanation of how the Priority field is used by the MechaWare Model Downloader, see Block Execution Order and User Defined Block Priority.
User Data 0 Application-specific data. See User Data Storage.
User Data 1 Application-specific data. See User Data Storage.


Simulink Interface

Power simulink block

The Output of the Power block is the Input raised by the power defined by the Exponent.

The block has two user data fields (User Data 0, User Data 1) to store application-specific data for convenient storage and retrieval. See User Data Storage for details.

The block's update schedule is determined by the Evaluate Block. The following Parameter Dialog Box can be opened by double-clicking on the block in a Simulink Model:

Power parameters dialog box




Public Method

class POWERBlock: public virtual Block
	// User accessible coefficients
	double	Exponent;

Required Header: mechaware.h


The Power block raises the input by the power defined by the Exponent. 





Power Exponent. Output = Input ^ Exponent


Block Methods