
UserLimitLogic Enumeration


The UserLimitOutputType enumeration specifies what data a UserLimit object writes when the UserLimit is triggered.

Version History

Introduced in MPX 2.0.

Enumeration Values

UserLimitLogic Meaning
Gt The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is greater than the specified fixed value.
Ge The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is greater than or equal to the specified fixed value.
Le The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is less than or equal to the specified fixed value.
Lt The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is less than the specified fixed value.
Eq The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is equal to the specified fixed value.
Ne The user limit will determine if the dynamic data is not equal to the specified fixed value.
AbsEq The user limit will determine if the absolute value of the dynamic data is equal to the specified fixed value.
AbsGt The user limit will determine if the absolute value of the dynamic data is greater than the specified fixed value.
AbsLe The user limit will determine if the absolute value of the dynamic data is less than or equal to the specified fixed value.

See Also

UserLimit Object

MPX User Limit Overview


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