

Gets the internal exception that caused the error. If the error was not caused by an exception, then the InternalException will be null.

Version History

Introduced in MPX 2.0.


Mpx.Exception (read only)

Visual Basic


ReadOnly Property InnerException() As Mpx.Exception

Sample Code

' This method handles PropertyError events that occur while 
' saving the configuration of an object.
Public Sub OnSavePropertyError(ByVal saver As Mpx.ConfigSaver, 
ByVal e As Mpx.ConfigSavePropertyErrorEventArgs)
    Dim mpxExc As Mpx.Exception = e.InnerException
    If Not (mpxExc Is Nothing) Then
        ' Print the error information from the underlying
        ' exception that caused the error.
        msg = mpxExc.Error
        msg += ": "
        msg += mpxExc.Message
    End If
End Sub

Sample Application





Sample Code


public void OnSavePropertyError(Mpx.ConfigSaver saver,
     Mpx.ConfigSavePropertyErrorEventArgs e)
     Mpx.Exception mpxExc = e.InternalException;
     if (mpxExc != null)
         // Print the error information from the underlying
         // exception that caused the error.

         msg = mpxExc.Error
               + ": "
               + mpxExc.Message
               + "\n";

See Also


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