
Beginning and Setting Configurations

ConfigurationBegin, ConfigurationEnd, and ConfigurationReset

Some MPX objects have properties which are used together when configuring the object. In general, it is not possible to change a single property and leave the object in a valid configuration. The only way to change the configuration of the object from one valid state to another is to simultaneously change multiple properties. This is done by notifying the object when the application starts to create a new configuration and when the new configuration is copied onto the controller.

ConfigurationBegin begins the configuration of the object and allows the application to change configuration related properties.

ConfigurationEnd sends all changes to the controller made to the object’s configuration since the last call to ConfigurationBegin.

ConfigurationReset, if available, sets the configuration of the object to the default configuration. ConfigurationReset internally calls ConfigurationBegin and ConfigurationEnd. ConfigurationReset is commonly used to reset all properties to their default value before creating a new configuration.

  • In general, not every property for an object requires the use of ConfigurationBegin and ConfigurationEnd. If a property requires the use of ConfigurationBegin and ConfigurationEnd, the property’s documentation page will make that clear.

  • It is NOT possible to change a user limit property without first calling ConfigurationBegin, even if the new configuration is a valid one. Calls to ConfigurationBegin and ConfigurationEnd must still be made.

  • If a property is set without first calling ConfigurationBegin, then an exception will be thrown.

See Also

Recorder Object Reference
Recorder Object Overview

UserLimit Object Reference
UserLimit Object Overview

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