

typedef struct MPISqNodeInfoId {
    uint32_t   nodeType;   /* product/mfg code   */
    char             *nodeName;  /* product/mfg string */
    uint32_t   option;     /* product option code*/
    uint32_t   switchId;   /* rotary switch id */
    uint32_t   unique;     /* unique id code     */

    MPI_BOOL         exactMatch; /* TRUE/FALSE         */

    char             serialNumber[MPISqNodeID_CHAR_MAX];
    char             modelNumber[MPISqNodeID_CHAR_MAX];
    char             manufacturerData[MPISqNodeManufacturerDATA_CHAR_MAX];
} MPISqNodeInfoId;
Change History: Modified in the 03.03.00


MPISqNodeInfoId contains identification data for the SynqNet node.

All nodes by all manufacturers will have nodeType and unique numbers that should generate a unique identification for each node on the SynqNet network.. Although some node manufacturers may opt to leave the serialNumber and modelNumber fields blank, you can still identify and distinguish a node by comparing the nodeType and unique numbers. The nodeType number is also represented by a unique text string nodeName.

nodeType A 32 bit value that identifies the node hardware. The upper 16 bits represent the manufacturer of the SynqNet node hardware. Each manufacturer has a unique value. The lower 16 bits represent the SynqNet node product type. The SynqNet node manufacturer determines a unique value to track a product series. Typically, the node type value is displayed in hex.
*nodeName A string that represents the SynqNet nodeType. The nodeName string matches the name of the SqNodeLib node specific header file.
option The product option code within a product series.
switchId If a node/drive has a physical address switch on its faceplate, switchId will contain the value to which the switch is set. If an ID switch is not supported by a node or communication with the node has failed, this value will be set to -1 (0xFFFFFFFF).
unique A 32 bit value that identifies the node. It is an uint32_t. The SynqNet node manufacturer determines this unique value to track a single product. This is useful to determine when individual nodes of the same type are switched or replaced on a SynqNet network.NOTE: It is possible for a manufacturer to use the same unique identification number for two nodes of different models. The combination of SqNode.Name (or nodeType) and SqNode.UniqueId will be unique for any given code.
exactMatch A string that tells you if the node is running under a matched or unmatched classification. The value of is TRUE when all ID components have been matched to a supported configuration. The value is FALSE when running with a default (unmatched) configuration.
serialNumber A string that represents the SynqNet node serial number. For a given node type, the serial number is unique. The SynqNet node manufacturer determines the serial number to track an individual unit. If communication with the node has failed, this value will be NA (Not Available).
modelNumber A string that represents the SynqNet node model number. The SynqNet node manufacturer determines the model number. If communication with the node has failed, this value will be NA (Not Available).
manfacturerData A string containing Manufacturer-specific data which is stored on the node at time of production. If communication with the node has failed, this value will be NA (Not Available).

See Also

mpiSqNodeInfo | MPISqNodeInfoFpga