

typedef struct MPISqNodeConfigAlarm {
    uint32_t mask;  /* One bit per drive/motor. Triggered by   
                         the MPIMotorDedicatedInAMP_FAULT input. */ 
    MPI_BOOL      notCyclicEnable;  /* allow nodeAlarm to be asserted when 
                                    the node is not in cyclic mode */
    MPI_BOOL      ioAbortEnable;  /* allow ioAbort to assert nodeAlarm */
    MPI_BOOL      ioFaultEnable;  /* allow ioFault to assert nodeAlarm */
} MPISqNodeConfigAlarm;	

Change History: Modified in the 03.04.00.


MPISqNodeConfigAlarm specifies the input trigger for the SynqNet node alarm output. The input triggers are the MPIMotorDedicatedInAMP_FAULT bits for each motor/drive interface.

mask Each bit in the mask represents a motor or drive interface. For example, a value of 0x3 will trigger the node alarm output when either motor 0's OR motor 1's MPIMotorDedicatedInAMP_FAULT bit is TRUE.
notCyclicEnable This Boolean variable is used to specify whether or not a node can receive an alarm when it is not in cyclic mode. TRUE = node alarm can be asserted in any mode.
FALSE = node alarm can only be asserted in cyclic mode.
ioAbortEnable This Boolean variable is used to specify the effect an I/O abort will have on the node alarm output.TRUE = an I/O abort will trigger a node alarm.
FALSE = an I/O abort will not trigger a node alarm.
ioFaultEnable This Boolean variable is used to specify the effect an I/O fault will have on the node alarm output.TRUE = an I/O fault will trigger a node alarm.
FALSE = an I/O fault will not trigger a node alarm.

See Also

mpiSqNodeConfigGet | mpiSqNodeConfigSet