

typedef struct MPIUserLimitConditionGate {
    int32_t     gateNumber;
    MPI_BOOL activeClosed;
} MPIUserLimitConditionGate;


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIUserLimitConditionGate represents a gate condition’s data for a user limit’s trigger.

gateNumber The gate whose used for the trigger condition.
activeClosed If set to TRUE, then the gate needs to be closed in order for the condition to evaluate true.

If set to FALSE, then the gate needs to be open in order for the condition to evaluate true.

Note: The gate is opened with mpiControlGateStateSet(..., MPIControlGateStateOPEN) or closed by calling mpiControlGateStateSet(..., MPIControlGateStateCLOSED).

See Also

MPIUserLimitConditionData | MPIUserLimitConditionType | mpiControlGateStateGet | mpiControlGateStateSet