

typedef struct MPIUserLimitConditionAxisPositionError {
    int32_t              axisNumber;
    double            positionError;
    MPIUserLimitLogic logic;
} MPIUserLimitConditionAxisPositionError;


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIUserLimitConditionAxisPositionError represents an axis position error condition’s data for a user limit’s trigger.

axisNumber The axis number whose position error is used for the trigger condition.
positionError The positionError value to which the position error will be compared.
logic The logic used to compare the position error to the positionError member.

If logic is MPIUserLimitLogicGT, then the condition will evaluate true when the axis’ position error is greater than the positionError member.

See Also

MPIUserLimitConditionData | MPIUserLimitConditionType