

typedef enum {
  MPITraceNONE = 0,

  MPITraceFIRST = (int)0x0001,

  MPITraceFUNCTION_ENTRY   = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 0),
  MPITraceFUNCTION_RETURN  = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 1),
  MPITraceMEMORY_ALLOC     = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 2),
  MPITraceMEMORY_FREE      = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 3),
  MPITraceMEMORY_GET       = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 4),
  MPITraceMEMORY_SET       = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 5),
  MPITraceVALIDATE         = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 6),
  MPITraceLOCK_GIVE        = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 7),
  MPITraceLOCK_TAKE        = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 8),
  MPITraceEVENT            = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << 9),

  MPITraceLAST = (int)(MPITraceFIRST << (((sizeof(int) * 8) / 2) - 1)),

  MPITraceALL = (int)((MPITraceLAST << 1) - 1)
} MPITrace;


MPITrace is an enumeration of generic trace bits that can be used to enable/disable library trace statement output for objects throughout the MPI.

MPITraceFUNCTION_ENTRY Trace the entry into all methods.
MPITraceFUNCTION_RETURN Trace the return from all methods.
MPITraceMEMORY_ALLOC Enables trace statements for all host memory allocations.
MPITraceMEMORY_FREE Enables trace statements for all host memory de-allocations.
MPITraceMEMORY_GET Enables trace statements for all controller memory reads.
MPITraceMEMORY_SET Enables trace statements for all controller memory writes.
MPITraceVALIDATE Enables trace statements for all function parameter validations.
MPITraceLOCK_GIVE Enables trace statements for all IPC lock releases.
MPITraceLOCK_TAKE Enables trace statements for all IPC lock takes.
MPITraceEVENT Enables trace statements for all MPI Events.

See Also

Trace Object | Trace.exe utility