

       mpiSynqNetCableQuality(MPISynqNet synqNet, int32_t numPackets,
       MPISqNodeCableQualityStatus * cableStatus, int32_t  *cableCount);


Required Header: synqnet.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiSynqNetCableQuality sends a number of test packets specified by numPackets and writes the test results into the structure pointed to by cableStatus. The number of cables tested is written into the value pointed to by cableCount.  mpiSynqNetCableTest can take a couple of minutes to complete depending on the value numPackets.

Note:  This function puts the network in ASYNQ state before it starts testing the cables.

synqNet A handle to a SynqNet object.
numPackets Number of test packets sent on the network to the node (cable to be tested).
cableStatus This is the pointer to array of struct MPISqNodeCableQualityStatus of size MPISynqNetCableHOP_COUNT.
cableCount A pointer to the number of cables.

Sample Code

/* printNetworkCableStatus(..) will test the cables in the network and prints
its status either good or Bad.
int32_t printNetworkCableStatus(MPISynqNet synqnet) { int32_t returnValue, i, cableCount; MPISqNodeCableStatus cableStatus[MPISynqNetCableHOP_COUNT];
returnValue= mpiSynqNetCableQuality(synqNet,10000,cableStatus,cableCount);
for(i=0; i < cableCount; i++) { printf(“ cable %d status: %s \n”,i, (cablestatus[i].status == MPISynqNetCableStatusGOOD ? “Good”:”Bad”) ); } return returnValue; }