MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor
typedef enum MPIMotorLimitType { MPIMotorLimitTypeINVALID = -1,
MPIMotorLimitTypeAMP_FAULT, MPIMotorLimitTypeAMP_WARNING, MPIMotorLimitTypeFEEDBACK_FAULT, MPIMotorLimitTypeERROR, MPIMotorLimitTypeTORQUE, MPIMotorLimitTypeHW_NEG, MPIMotorLimitTypeHW_POS, MPIMotorLimitTypeSW_NEG, MPIMotorLimitTypeSW_POS,
MPIMotorLimitTypeEND, MPIMotorLimitTypeFIRST = MPIMotorLimitTypeINVALID + 1, MPIMotorLimitTypeCOUNT = MPIMotorLimitTypeEND - MPIMotorLimitTypeFIRST } MPIMotorLimitType;
Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.
MPIMotorLimitType is an enumeration of the various motor limits.
The controller’s motor limits are safety features to protect the machine when exceeding specifiable limits for position error, torque, position range, hardware limit switches, feedback faults, amplifier faults, and warnings.
MPIMotorLimitTypeAMP_FAULT |
Fault signal from the drive or amplifier. Indicates a serious problem with the drive or amplifier. The fault condition must be cleared before the drive or amplifier can be enabled. |
Warning signal from the drive or amplifier. Provides an early warning for pending drive or amplifier problems. The warning condition does not need to be cleared before the drive or amplifier can be enabled. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeFEEDBACK_FAULT | Fault signal from the feedback device. Indicates a feedback failure. The conditions causing feedback faults must be corrected before enabling the drive or amplifier. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeERROR | Position error (difference between command and actual position) has exceeded the specified range. Position error limits indicate inadequate drive power, motor size, improper servo tuning, mechanical binding, or motion parameters that exceed the capabilities of the drive/motor. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeTORQUE | Torque demand from the controller to the drive exceeded the specified range. Torque limits indicate inadequate drive power, motor size, improper servo tuning, mechanical binding, or motion parameters that exceed the capabilities of the drive/motor. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeHW_NEG | Negative hardware digital limit sensor input. Occurs when the motor has reached it’s physical negative travel limit. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeHW_POS | Positive hardware digital limit sensor input. Occurs when the motor has reached it’s physical positive travel limit. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeSW_NEG | Negative software actual position limit. Occurs when the motor’s actual position exceeds the specified negative position. |
MPIMotorLimitTypeSW_POS | Positive software actual position limit. Occurs when the motor’s actual position exceeds the specified negative position. |
See Also
mpiMotorLimitConfigGet | mpiMotorLimitConfigSet