MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor



typedef enum MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMask {
	MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskBROKEN_WIRE             = (1<< MPIMotorFeedbackStatusBitBROKEN_WIRE),
	MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskILLEGAL_STATE           = (1<< MPIMotorFeedbackStatusBitILLEGAL_STATE),
	MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskBROKEN_WIRE_SECONDARY   = (1<< MPIMotorFeedbackStatusBitBROKEN_WIRE_SECONDARY),
} MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMask;


Required Header: motor.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMask contains the fault masks for the feedback.  These bits are used to decode the feedback status from the motor status.  There is an equivalent enumeration for the feedback status bits.  Be sure to use the mask when decoding the feedbackMask in MPIMotorStatus.

Note: These masks are only applicable for MPIMotorFeedbackTypeQUAD_AB feedback types.

MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskBROKEN_WIRE Status mask for broken A or B encoder wire.  Requires a differential pair of A and B wires to be detectable.
MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskILLEGAL_STATE Status mask for a simultaneous state change on both the A and B encoder channel.  Indicates a bad channel or faulty signals.
MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskBROKEN_WIRE_SECONDARY Status mask for broken A or B encoder wire on the secondary encoder feedback.
MPIMotorFeedbackStatusMaskILLEGAL_STATE_SECONDARY Status mask for an illegal state on the secondary encoder feedback.

See Also

MPIMotionStatus | MPIAxisStatus