MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotor



typedef struct MPIMotorCommutationBlockConfig {
MPIMotorCommutationMode mode;
int32_t length;
double scale;
int32_t offset;
int32_t phaseDelta; /* between sin and cos */
struct {
double *ptr;
double coeff;
} input[2];
double outputLevel; /* used for OpenLoop */
} MPIMotorCommutationBlockConfig;


MPIMotorCommutationBlockConfig contains the configurations for sinusoidal motor commutation by the controller.

mode An enumerated value representing the operational mode for commutation.
length Feedback counts per revolution.
scale Commutation points per revolution / feedback counts per revolution.
offset Commutation angle offset.
phaseDelta 0, 90, or 120 degrees.
*ptr Pointer into commutation table.
coeff Output scale factor.
outputLevel Analog output level, used for open-loop control.