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Motion AttributesIntroduction | MPI Motion Attributes | MPI Motion Attributes IntroductionThis section details the use of various Motion Attributes, which are listed individually below. To use Motion Attributes, OR the attribute mask with the MPIMotionType value. MPI Motion AttributesMPIMotionAttrAPPENDThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskAPPEND attribute. This makes it possible to buffer several point-to-point motion profiles in the controller. Each successful call to mpiMotionStart(...) with the APPEND attribute will generate an MPIEventTypeMOTION_DONE from the controller when the motion is complete. The MPIMotionAttrMaskID attribute is supported with MPIMotionAttrMaskAPPEND when calling mpiMotionStart(...). The XMP-Series controller firmware has been modified to buffer the ID values inside the axis' frames. Therefore, applications using the motion and axis event user data must be changed. Since the ID is stored in the controller's axis frames, the mpiMotionEventNotifySet(...) and mpiAxisEventNotifySet(...) must explicitly configure an appropriate axis memory location for the firmware to retrieve the ID. The sample programs motionID1.c and motionID2.c demonstrate this feature. The MPIMotionAttrHOLD attribute is supported with MPIMotionAttrMaskAPPEND when calling mpiMotionStart(...). Move Types: PT, PVT, Bessel, Bspline, Bspline2, S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity, Frame MPIMotionAttrAUTO_STARTThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskAUTO_START attribute. When AUTO_START is enabled, calls to mpiMotionModify(...) will automatically start a new motion if the previous motion is done. If AUTO_START is not enabled, and mpiMotionModify(...) is commanded after the initial motion has completed, the method will return an MPIMotionStateIDLE error. Move Types: S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity MPIMotionAttrDELAYThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskDELAY attribute. This motion attribute will delay the move for a given number of seconds. MPIMotionParams.attributes.delay is a pointer to an array of doubles that assign delay times for each Axis. Move Types: S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity MPIMotionAttrELEMENT_IDThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskELEMENT_ID attribute. Similar to the MPIMotionAttrMaskID, the ELEMENT_ID allows the application to set an identification value for each element of a path motion. The ID values are int32_t values configured in the MPIMotionParams.attributes.elementId array. Each element in the array will be the ID value for that sequential portion of the motion. In order to retrieve the ElementID, a pointer to the element ID is placed into the MPIEventNotifyData structure. This will cause the XMP to send the ElementID up to the MPIEventStatusInfo structure when an event occurs that causes an interrupt. Move Types: PT, PVT, Bessel, Bspline, Bspline2, S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity MPIMotionAttrMaskIDThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskID attribute. The ID attributes allows the application to assign an identification number to each motion. This number can be returned in the MPIEventStatus structure so the application will know which move has ended. This is particularly useful when multiple moves are buffered and the application needs to know which move is executing or has returned an event. The MPIMotionParams.attributes.id value is a int32_t that identifies the Motion. This ID value is passed to each Axis associated with the MS. In order to retrieve the MoveID, a pointer to the move ID is placed in the MPIEventNotifyData structure. This will cause the XMP to send the MoveID up to the MPIEventStatusInfo structure when an event occurs that causes an interrupt. Move Types: PT, PVT, Spline, Bessel, Bspline, Bspline2, S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity, Frame MPIMotionAttrRELATIVEThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskRELATIVE attribute. When this mask is ANDed into the attribute mask, all position values will be used as relative motion distances instead of final absolute positions. For example, without the RELATIVE motion attribute, a move beginning at position 1000 with a position parameter value of 2000 will move to position 2000. If the RELATIVE attribute is turned on, the final move position will be 3000, a relative distance of 2000 counts from the starting value of 1000. Move Types: PT, PVT, Spline, Bessel, Bspline, Bspline2, S-Curve, Trapezoidal, Velocity MPIMotionAttrSYNC_ENDThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskSYNC_END attribute. SYNC_END is used for motions that include more than one axis. The SYNC_END attribute will generate trajectories for all axes appended to an MS that will end simultaneously. For all but the longest motion profile, wait frames will be added to the beginning of the moves. This will ensure that all axes end simultaneously. Move Types: S-Curve, Trapezoidal MPIMotionAttrSYNC_STARTThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskSYNC_START attribute. SYNC_START is used for Motions that include more than one Axis. All Axes will begin simultaneously. For those axes that finish first, a delay frame will be added to the end of the move. Move Types: S-Curve, Trapezoidal MPI Motion AttributesMPIMotionAttrEVENTThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskEVENT attribute. This mask allows the user to specify an MPIEventMask during a motion. MPIMotionAttrFINAL_VELThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskFINAL_VEL attribute. This mask allows the user to specify a non-zero target velocity for point to point motion types. MPIMotionAttrNO_REVERSALThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskNO_REVERSAL attribute. This mask prevents a motion profile from changing direction. MPIMotionAttrHOLDThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskHOLD attribute. The HOLD attribute prevents execution of a Motion. The HOLD attribute is applied at the beginning of the motion (one HOLD frame) before the execution of the point list. This prevents execution of the Motion until the HOLD frame is disabled. The HOLD attribute is used to synchronize the start of motion with a host function call, XMP internal variable, or Motor Input state change. More than one Motion Supervisor may be synchronized. The type field of the MPIMotionAttrHold{} structure determines whether the synchronization comes from a host call (mpiControlGateSet(), see below), internal variable (Axis Status, Position, etc.) or a Motor Input signal (transceiver, home input, user input, etc.). Gated Moves: If the value of type is MPIMotionAttrHoldTypeGATE, the motion will be held until a call to mpiControlGateSet() is made with the closed parameter set to FALSE. When a MPIMotionAttrHoldTypeGATE is used, the source.gate field of MPIMotionAttrHold{} must be set to the gate number (0-31). The same gate number must be used for the gate parameter of mpiControlGateSet(). Input Hold Moves: If the value of type is MPIMotionAttrHoldTypeINPUT, the motion will be held until then value of the internal Xmp variable specified (pointed to) by source.input bitwise anded with source.mask matches source.pattern. Motor Input Hold Moves: If the value of type is MPIMotionAttrHoldTypeMOTOR, the motion will be held until the value of the internal dedicated input word (Motor[n].IO. DedicatedIN.IO) for the motor specified by source.motorNumber bitwise anded with source.mask matches source.pattern. The timeout field of MPIMotionAttrHold{} will cause the motion to start after the specified timeout period (in seconds), even if the other hold criteria have not been satisfied. A value of zero for timeout causes the timeout feature to be disabled and forces the motion to wait for the hold criteria (gate open, or pattern match). The MPI expects an array of hold attributes specifying separate attributes form each axis of a motion supervisor. All axes holding with the same hold attributes (same gate, same input, mask, and pattern) will start motion in the same sample even if the moves are specified using different motion supervisors. MPIMotionAttrOUTPUTThe MPI has been extended to support mpiMotionStart(...) with the MPIMotionAttrMaskAPPEND attribute. This mask allows the user to set or clear bits during a motion. This motion attribute allows a Motion to change the state of a register in the controller memory. This configures a frame to toggle an output bit as a move begins.
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