MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



mpiMotionTrapezoidalMove(MPIMotion                               motion,
                         double                                  position,
                         double                                  velocity,
                         double                                  acceleration,
                         double                                  deceleration,
                         double                                  finalVelocity,
                         MPIMotionPointToPointAttrMask           mask,
                         const MPIMotionPointToPointAttributes   *attributes);


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiMotionSimpleTrapezoidalMove begins a single-axis move with a trapezoidal velocity profile and attributes as defined by the mask.

motion The Motion object to use. This object must have exactly one mapped axis or MPIMotionMessageAXIS_COUNT is generated.
position The target position for the mapped axis.
velocity Rate of change of position. The maximum velocity to use for the constant slew portion of the move.
acceleration Rate of change of velocity. Specifies the initial ramp to reach constant velocity.
deceleration Rate of change of velocity. Specifies the final ramp to reach final velocity.
finalVelocity Rate of change of position at the end of the move.
mask A bit-mask composed of MPIMotionPointToPointAttrMasks ORed together. Each bit set enables the corresponding attribute.
attributes A pointer to additional data needed for certain mask values.