MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



mpiMotionSimpleTrapezoidalCartesianMove(MPIMotion   motion,
                                        const       double position[],
                                        double      velocity,
                                        double      acceleration,
                                        double      deceleration);


Required Header: stdmpi.h
Change History: Added in 04.00.


mpiMotionSimpleTrapezoidalCartesianMove begins a multi-axis move with a trapezoidal velocity profile. All axes will start and stop at the same time. The move trajectory is calculated as occurring in a Cartesian space with each axis perpendicular to all the others. It is equivalent to mpiMotionTrapezoidalCartesianMove (motion, position, velocity, acceleration, acceleration, 0.0, MPIMotionPointToPointAttrMaskNONE, NULL).

motion The Motion object to use.
position An array of target positions for the mapped axes.
velocity Rate of change of position. The maximum velocity to use for the constant slew portion of the move. This is a vector velocity for the entire system.
acceleration Rate of change of velocity. Specifies the initial ramp to reach constant velocity and the final ramp reach zero velocity. This is a vector acceleration for the entire system.
deceleration Rate of change of velocity. Specifies the final ramp to reach zero velocity. This is a vector deceleration for the entire system.