MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



typedef struct MPIMotionPVTFPoint {
              double	position[MPIMotionMAX_AXES];
              double	velocity[MPIMotionMAX_AXES];
              double	feedfoward[MPIMotionMAX_AXES];
              double	timeDelta;
} MPIMotionPVTFPoint;


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIMotionPVTFPoint contains a multi-dimensional point specification for a PVTF move.

position An array of position values; one for each mapped axis.
velocity An array of velocity values; one for each mapped axis.
feedforward An array of feedforward values; one for each mapped axis.
timeDelta The number of seconds between the specified position and the previous position.