MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



typedef struct MPIMotionOutput {
  MPIMotionOutputType type;
  union {
    int32_t	*address;
    int32_t	motor;
  } location;
  int32_t	offMask;
  int32_t	onMask;
  int32_t	pointIndex;        /* MPIMotionAttrMaskOUTPUT for path 
                            motion - point index for turning 
                            on output - used with point lists */


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIMotionOutput allows the user to set or clear bits during a move.

type This value specifies the output type to determine the output bits to be set or cleared.
*address This value specifies the memory address when MPIMotionOutputTypeADDRESS is used.
motor This value specifies the motor number when MPIMotionOutputTypeMOTOR is used.
offMask This value specifies the bits to be turned OFF.
onMask This value specifies the bits to be turned ON.
pointIndex This value specifies an index to a point, when path motion is used.

See Also
