MPI 04.00 Reference >> mpiMotion



typedef struct MPIMotionHold {
    MPIMotionHoldType   type;
    MPIMotionHoldData   data;
    double              timeout;
} MPIMotionHold;


Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIMotionHold prevents execution of a move until the specified conditions are satisified.

type This value specifies the motion hold type. For more informaion, see MPIMotionHoldType .
data This value specifies the motion hold conditions. For more information, see MPIMotionHoldData.
timeout This value specifies the motion hold expiration time (samples). When the time exceeds the timeout value or the hold conditions are met, the motion profile executes.

See Also

MPIMotionHoldType | MPIMotionHoldData