

typedef	struct MPIFilterGainPID {
    struct {
    double   proportional;              /* Kpp */
    double   integral;                  /* Kip */
    double   derivative;                /* Kdp */
    } gain;
    struct {
        double   position;              /* Kpff */
        double   velocity;              /* Kvff */
        double   acceleration;          /* Kaff */
        double   friction;              /* Kfff */
    } feedForward;
     double dRate;                      /*DRate */
        double   moving;                /* MovingIMax */
        double   rest;                  /* RestIMax */
    } integrationMax;
    int32_t    dRate;                      /* DRate */
    struct {
        double   limitHigh;             /* OutputTorqueLimitHigh */
        double   limitLow;              /* OutputTorqueLimitLow */
        double   velocitylimithigh;     /* OutputVelocityLimitHigh */
        double   velocitylimitLow;      /* OutputVelocityLimitLow */
        double   offset;                /* OutputOffset */
    } output;
    struct {
        double   positionFFT;           /* TestSignal */
    } noise;
} MPIFilterGainPID;


MPIFilterGainPID is a structure that defines the filter coefficients for the PID filter algorithm.

See Also

High/Low Output Limits section for special instructions regarding MPIFilterGainPID.