

typedef enum {
  MPIFilterAlgorithmINVALID	= -1,


  MPIFilterAlgorithmFIRST = MPIFilterAlgorithmINVALID + 1
} MPIFilterAlgorithm;


Required Header: filter.h


MPIFilterAlgorithm is an enumeration for the closed-loop servo control algorithm types. The controller executes the closed-loop control algorithm every sample period and calculates the demand output to the drive based on the command trajectory input and position feedback. This is a low-level enumeration defined by the controller firmware. It is controller-specific and subject to change in future releases.

MPIFilterAlgorithmPID Closed-loop position control algorithm with Proportional, Integral, and Derivative terms. This is the default option for controller firmware.
MPIFilterAlgorithmPIV Closed-loop position and velocity control algorithm. Contains Proportional and Integral terms for the position and velocity loops, and a Derivative term for the position loop.
MPIFilterAlgorithmNONE No algorithm is active in the controller. This is useful for axes/motors that do not use closed-loop control. Examples are steppers and open-loop torque control. If closed-loop control is not needed, use NONE to disable the controller's calculations, which will reduce the controller's load and increase its performance.
MPIFilterAlgorithmPIV1 Custom closed-loop position and velocity control algorithm. Requires custom controller firmware.
MPIFilterAlgorithmUSER Reserved for future use.

See Also

mpiFilterConfigGet | mpiFilterConfigSet | Servo Tuning