EventMask Objects


The EventMask determines which event types will be sent from the controller to the Notify object. By setting bits in the EventMask, specific events can be sent to the Notify object when they occur or by clearing specific bits, the events can be ignored. By default, no Events will occur until the EventMask is set.

The Event, EventMgr, and Notify objects are used with the EventMask to handle controller events.

Data Types

MPIEventMask An array of uint32_t


mpiEventMaskALL Set all events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskAND_ASSIGN Assign dst all events masked by both src and dst.
mpiEventMaskASSIGN Assign the value of event mask src to the event mask dst.
mpiEventMaskAXIS Set all MPIAxis events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskBIT Set mask to only handle events of type type.
mpiEventMaskBitGET Reports if a mask is set to handle events of type type.
mpiEventMaskBitSET Sets mask to handle events of type type.
mpiEventMaskBIT_POSITION Returns the bit number that is associated with MPI event type.
mpiEventMaskBIT_POSITION_MASK Returns an element's bit-mask for the specified event type.
mpiEventMaskCLEAR Set mask to handle no events.
mpiEventMaskCOMPLEMENT Change the value of every bit within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskEXTERNAL Set external events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskGET Reports if a mask is set to handle events of type type.
mpiEventMaskIS_EQUAL Tests the equality of two event masks.
mpiEventMaskMOTION Set all MPIMotion events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskMOTOR Set all MPIMotor events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskOR_ASSIGN Add all events masked by src to the event mask dst.
mpiEventMaskRECORDER Sets all MPIRecorder events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskSET Set mask to handle events of type type.
mpiEventMaskSET_ALL Set mask to handle all events whose type is enumerated less than type.
mpiEventMaskSYNQNET Set all MPISynqNet events within the event mask.
mpiEventMaskSQNODE Set all MPISqNode events within the event mask.


MPIEventMaskBITS_IN_ELEMENT Define the number of bits in each data element of MPIEventMask.
MPIEventMaskELEMENTS Define the number of data elements in a MPIEventMask.
MPIEventMaskELEMENT_TYPE Define what the data type MPIEventMask is comprised of.