

typedef struct MPIEventData {
        MPIEventType       eventType;
        MPIModuleId        objectType;
        int32_t               objectIndex;
        int32_t               sampleCounter;
        union {
		MPIEventAxisData          axis;
		MPIEventMotionData        motion;
		MPIEventMotorData         motor;
		MPIEventSequenceData      sequence;
		MPIEventUserLimitData     userLimit;
		MPIEventSynqNetData       synqNet;
		MPIEventCaptureData       capture;
	} data;
	struct {
		MPIGeneric64 elem64Bit[MPIEventUSER_DATA_COUNT];
		MPIGeneric32 elem32Bit[MPIEventUSER_DATA_COUNT*2];
	} userData;
} MPIEventData;

Required Header: stdmpi.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPIEventData holds information about a particular event that was generated by the controller.

eventType The type of event generated by the controller.
module The type of object the event is associated with. If module is MPIModuleIdMOTION, then a motion supervisor object generated the event.
objectIndex The object index that generated the event.
data A structure holding additional event-specific information.
data.axis A structure holding additional information specific to axis events.
data.motion A structure holding additional information specific to motion supervisor events.
data.motor A structure holding additional information specific to motor events.
data.synqNet A structure holding additional information specific to SynqNet events.
data.sqNode A structure holding additional information specific to SqNode events.
data.recorder A structure holding additional information specific to recorder events.
data.probe A structure holding additional information specific to probe events.
data.userLimit A structure holding additional information specific to user limit events.
data.sampleCounter The sample counter when an event occurred.
data.generic An array of generic 64-bit values associated with an event, recorded when the event occurred.
userData A structure holding additional user-specified event-specific information.

Samlple Code

    myEventCallback(MPIControl control, const MPIEventData* status, void* userData)
    /* print event type and sample counter timestamp to the screen. */

    printf("%s event occurred at controller sample %d.\n",

See Also

MPIControlEventCallback | MPIEventType