

typedef enum MPIComparePointAction {
	MPIComparePointActionINVALID        = -1,
	MPIComparePointActionTIMED          = 1,
	MPIComparePointActionPOSITION       = 2,
	MPIComparePointActionASSERTED       = 3,
	MPIComparePointActionNEGATED        = 4,
	MPIComparePointActionNOP            = 5,
	MPIComparePointActionEND_OF_LIST    = 6	/*A point with this action must be the
                                            last element in the list of points for 
                                            streaming or multiple*/
	MPIComparePointActionFIRST          = MPIComparePointActionINVALID + 1,
	MPIComparePointActionCOUNT          = MPIComparePointActionEND - 																				MPIComparePointActionFIRST


Required Header: compare.h

Change History: 04.00.07


MPIComparePointAction is an enumeration of a compare point's action options.

MPIComparePointActionTIMED The compare module asserts the output signal and then negates it based on the time width specified by the point.
MPIComparePointActionPOSITION The compare module asserts the output signal and then negates it based on the position width specified by the point.
MPIComparePointActionASSERTED The compare module asserts the output signal.
MPIComparePointActionNEGATED The compare module negates the output signal.
MPIComparePointActionNOP The compare module does not do any operation to the output signal but increments the eventCounter.
MPIComparePointActionEND_OF_LIST This option informs the MPI that this is the last point in the list.

See Also
