

typedef enum {
    MPICompareConfigModeINVALID    = -1,
    MPICompareConfigModeSINGLE     = 1,
    MPICompareConfigModeSTREAMING  = 2,
    MPICompareConfigModeMULTIPLE   = 3,
    MPICompareConfigModeDELTA      = 4,
    MPICompareConfigModeFIRST      = MPICompareConfigModeINVALID + 1,
    MPICompareConfigModeCOUNT      = MPICompareConfigModeEND -


Required Header: compare.h

Change History: 04.00.07


MPICompareConfigMode is an enumeration of a compare's operational modes.

MPICompareConfigModeSINGLE The compare module must be loaded with a single point for this operation. If the event specified in the point occurs while the compare is enabled, there would be a signal at the compare output based on the type of action defined in the point.
MPICompareConfigModeSTREAMING Multiple points may be loaded to compare module. These points are buffered in the controller until they are consumed by the compare. Each of these points will generate an output action. This mode is used for a single move in one direction.
MPICompareConfigModeMULTIPLE Up to 8 points can be loaded in this mode and each point can trigger output actions in either direction over multiple moves.
MPICompareConfigModeDELTA A start point, stop point, and up to 8 delta values can be loaded to the controller and a pattern of output actions are generated for a single move in one direction.

See Also
