

typedef enum MPICaptureTriggerType {
        MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID = -1,
MPICaptureTriggerTypeMOTOR, MPICaptureTriggerTypeSQNODE, MPICaptureTriggerTypeDIRECT,
MPICaptureTriggerTypeEND, MPICaptureTriggerTypeFIRST = MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID + 1, MPICaptureTriggerTypeCOUNT = MPICaptureTriggerTypeFIRST - MPICaptureTriggerTypeEND } MPICaptureTriggerType;

Required Header: capture.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPICaptureTriggerType is used within the MPICaptureConfig structure (triggerType field) to specify the type of
capture trigger.

MPICaptureTriggerTypeINVALID Capture trigger type is invalid.
MPICaptureTriggerTypeMOTOR Selects the motor field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type.
MPICaptureTriggerTypeSQNODE Selects the'sqNode field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type.
MPICaptureTriggerTypeDIRECT Selects the direct field of the MPICaptureConfig structure as the active trigger type.