

typedef enum {
        MPICaptureModeINVALID = -1,
MPICaptureModeEND, MPICaptureModeFIRST = MPICaptureModeINVALID +1, MPICaptureModeCOUNT = MPICaptureModeFIRST - MPICaptureModeEND } MPICaptureMode;

Required Header: capture.h

Change History: Added in 04.00.


MPICaptureMode is used in the MPICaptureConfig structure and enumerates the Capture mode.

Note: Single-shot and auto-arm modes can not run simultaneously unlike the 03.xx series of
the MPI and FPGAs, where the capture and probe features can run at the same time.

MPICaptureModeINVALID Invalid capture mode.
MPICaptureModeAUTO_ARM Auto-Arm capture mode. The capture engine is automatically rearmed after a position or time value is captured.
MPICaptureModeSINGLE_SHOT In single-shot mode, a single time or position is captured. The capure engine must be cleared and re-armed to capture again.